Once upon a time, in a galaxy not so far away, it rained Talics from the sky. Actually, it’s gonna rain again! So get your buckets ready and collect those Talics, the more the merrier!

How to buy from the RF Bazaar?

1.Visit the website: https://rfbazaar.playpark.com/

2. Click on MY ACCOUNT then LOGIN (located on the upper right of the main page).

3. Log-in using the same account as your RF game account. (PlayID / Facebook or Google)

4. Click on SPECIAL PROMOS category to continue.

5. Choose which promo you would like to purchase and click ADD TO CART to continue.

6. Click on PUSHCART(with item/price) located on the middle-upper part of the page then CHECKOUT to continue.

NOTE: Click on VIEW CART if you would like to change the QUANTITY of items you wish to purchase.

7. Choose the SERVER / CHARACTER where purchase items will be inserted then click CONTINUE.

NOTE: Make sure you have sufficient balance in order to purchase an item, otherwise please TOP UP.

8. Check if the purchase items listed is correct then click on CONFIRM ORDER.

9. CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully purchased items from RF BAZAAR. Kindly Logout/Log-in and check your character’s inventory for the items you purchased.

Note: This Promo will end on May 2 at 21:00 GMT+8.

For more promos and announcements, like the PlayPark RF Online Facebook Page by clicking here.