We’re raring to get the new month started off with an explosive bang because all three server-planets are holding a Chip Breaker Challenge in quick succession:

May 1: Outlaw
May 2: Novus
May 3: Desolation

Gear up before 10 PM on these days because we’re not holding back on prizes for each:

Outlaw – Php 10,000
Novus – Php 10,000
Desolation – Php 5,000

That’s a lotta cold hard cash going to whomever picks the fateful shot that ends chip defenders’ careers. As always, if the Breakers themselves get downed before they deliver what remains of the enemy’s chip… the CB killer gets half the bounty no questions asked.

So get cookin’, drink all your vitamins, and warm-up tomorrow, because where will you be the day after tomorrow? Sitting pretty at home knowing you’re a couple grand richer.

See you in the killing fields, and bring your best self to fight!

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