Whenever the Bellato unite, we become our own captains, and the worlds of space are our stomping grounds. Good thing the Bellato are always united.

  • Helena Lavence, Novus

“Life is hard,” the young MAU rider exclaimed.

“Sure is, soldier,” her squad leader retorted. “Life always gonna be as hard as it ever will be. If it ain’t hard, it ain’t livin’, me grams used to say.”

“But we are already so many. Why is taking in more people going to help us? We can’t feed all the refugees coming from Genesis, much less than we were able to support those from Proxima. Granted, there’ll be more fighters, but…”

The squad leader cut her off. “But what?” She seemed a little incensed, although she reined in her passion. “We do it because it’s the right thing. We take care of Bellato because we ARE Bellato. Nobody gets left behind. Not a single one.”

The rider was embarrassed, but she knew that that was right. “I know boss, sorry, just a little… anxious.”

“We will manage. We will endure. As we always do, right? Strength in numbers, my friend. As long as there are Bellato anywhere, we are everywhere.” She let out an exasperated breath. “I’m running out of clichés for ya.”

“It’s okay boss, I’ll… we’ll manage,” she finally said, as they drove off, headed for the direction of the warphole opening up.

The squad leader barked orders as they approached the brink. “Alright boys and girls, it’s showtime. Every faction’s got refugees from this disaster, but don’t let your guard down as we do not know what they could be planning. Our priority is the safety of all of ours. Defend the perimeter. No casualties.”


Get ready to jump into the next big upheaval in Playpark RF Online, as the new world collides with the old! Genesis, the parallel world, will merge into Novus, creating new dynamics and enmities amongst its citizens. From the shattering collapse of Proxima, and the impending cataclysm that’s barreling down for the two remaining worlds, new possibilities arise.

Stay tuned for the unfolding of the story of INTO THE WARP, with the Cora point-of-view coming next week!

The details and mechanics for the merge will also be released and discussed on the 1st of March, 2019.

Keep following Playpark RF Online news here and on our Facebook fanpage. See you in the killing fields!