Plant your feet and stand your ground!

On March 26th, 2019, at 8:00 PM GMT+8 all Playpark RF Online players are invited to stand their ground in the harsh and uninviting Sette Desert. For three separate rounds, a specific coordinate will be announced.


1. A pillar will respawn at Sette.

2. PVP is Allowed.

3. The person that will be able to strike the last hit will be able to loot a special ticket

1 Winner, 3 rounds(optional)

Prize: Special tickets can be exchange for +5 Level 50 Intense Set depends on the class

+5 Level 50 Weapon of Choice.

Sounds simple, right?

Except everyone else will be gunning for that same spot, and full-contact PvP shall inevitably commence. Think you got what it takes? Then see you in the sands!

Stay tuned for more Playpark RF Online events!