New tech arrives in Novus… soon.

Two planets align
Their fates entwined
Endless war, endless rebirth
Lest men forget
The secrets of forgotten Earth

– Song of the Guardians, from Federation pre-history

Stargazer has left Novus from its first cycle: the air in the wartorn planet grows crisp and electrifying, portals begin to shift and stutter and stop; as the mirror planet ended its cyclical orbit around the mainworld.

Once, in an older time, in a much older plane, it had been prophesied that when two planets align, both worlds would change forever, and destruction would be mutually imminent. But that was Then, and this is the Now for Novus and Stargazer, the Mirror and the Real. There were no prophecies about this, for no one knew what Novus had in store: no one knew of its multitudes of parallels until the first portals opened during the merges. Stargazer was the first parallel that bode different qualities as well, the only scientifically similar world was Omicron, the simulation world opened by, as legend would have it, the common ancestors of Accretians, Corites, and Bellato.

Stargazer was the first to cycle, and brought new life itself to its sister Novus. Technological advances from the mysterious changeworld affects permanency in Novus, and vice versa. It will be a while until Stargazer returns, but the benefits to Novus will soon be seen. The fates of both worlds are now inevitably entangled, and the mainworld will feel a surge of power brought about by the cycles of Stargazer.

Time will tell what this will be. In the meantime, see you in the battlefields, of Novus!