The Void beckons, eternal and ever-present, an abyss that stares down, waiting over Novus and its parallels. From its unfathomable depths arise inscrutable intentions, rewarding those who best its challenges… and declawing those that scrabble at its feet.

Mind Control has concluded, but the Void’s influence does not cease, as the Incursion begins! With the Control Chips from the first incident, the Void now employs a new emissary in preaching its new challenge.

Monstrous Babas have been detected by faction-wide radar to be headed for the vicinity of:




The first incursion is set to happen today, Oct. 30 Wednesday, at 1PM the Accretian Armory 213, 2PM at the Bellato Solus Settlement, and 3PM at the Cora Haram Stockade.

November 5, 2019 – November 12, 2019
1 PM – Bellato Solus Settlement
2 PM – Cora Haram Stockade
3 PM – Accretia Armory 213

They seem to be invading in waves with intervals 3 hours apart. A call has been rung to defend the centers from these beasts: any and all players have a chance to acquire Halloween Amulets and Rings after slaying a Baba. These special accessories expire after 12 hours, so making the most out of their effects is tantamount to faction supremacy.

You can also hunt Scream Masks from these Monstrous Babas!
Never forget to upgrade the masks to +4 before the event ends!

Suit up and prepare, citizens and soldiers, for the Void waits for now one in this season of darkness. This ain’t no pumpkin patch pick-em-up, so bring your A-game tricks and get those Halloween treats!

Event will run from October 30, 2019 until December 3, 2019.

Stay tuned, too, for other updates and events in our community group and fan page.